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History@Lancefield - Connecting Communities HistoryFest

  • Lancefield Mechanics' Institute 16 High Street Lancefield, VIC, 3435 Australia (map)

Historical societies across the Macedon Ranges and Central Victoria will join with the Romsey & Lancefield Districts Historical Society in a HistoryFest on Sunday 6 November to explore the ways our societies connect with our local communities.

Today historical societies find that 90% of demand comes from people searching their family history or the heritage of their home. Family history and the homes these families lived in are one of the major aspects to writing local history.

Documenting the history of Victoria is vital. Local historical societies regularly publish local history and heritage. Two professional historians will discuss their experience of writing local history and the importance of the resources available through historical societies. Local historical societies will talk about their latest books as well as the challenges and triumphs of locating relevant research.

Join us at the Lancefield Mechanics' Institute for what promises to be an exciting day of exchanging ideas and stories. $30 for the full day - morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.

Information: 0427 042 753

22 October

Book Launch

2 April

Autumn Festival